Saturday, October 13, 2012

Jim Thorpe Fall Foliage Festival 2012

The weather today was absolutely PERFECT for the 2nd weekend of the Jim Thorpe Fall Foliage Festival ...... DEFINATELY sweater weather !!!!  At the park by the train station there were food and craft vendors .......

 ....... a REALLY good band in the gazebo ......

.......some talented hula hoopers.....

 ....... and, of course, a train!

  There also were beautiful horse and buggy rides taking visitors  up Broadway and Race St. past ....

 everything from quaint hotels,  B&B's,

restaurants and shops to .....

  ....authentic (haunted) scary looking old houses and .....

  churches (also haunted ...... so they say .)
Hope you enjoyed the "tour" !  ...... and don't forget to stop back tomorrow afternoon at two - ish or three - ish for my "Leaf's me Happy Blog Hop" give away drawing. 
Be back soon!
Mary Anne (aka Mare)

1 comment:

WoolenSails said...

That looks like a fun town to live in. I haven't gone to many festivals, we only have a few and they are usually boring, lol.
