Friday, February 17, 2012

Dance - a - Sew - a - THON !!!

Happy weekend everybody ! Today begins "THON" weekend at Penn State University. "THON" is a weekend long dance marathon that raises lots and lots and LOTS of money for pediatric cancer research. It is the largest student run philanthropy IN THE WORLD !!!!! Moonbeams Boy Matt is a student at Penn State Main Campus (the location of "THON") and will be there with his gang of friends .... they wouldn't miss it !!!! If you would like to read more about it and donate to a wonderful cause, go to (P.S. you can click my music off over there on the sidebar so you can actually hear what they're saying in this you tube video .... just click the pause button)

SO, in the spirit of "THON" , (besides making a donation) the MBIAJ Sewing and Quilting Dept wanted to participate in their own little way by having a "Sew - a - THON" this weekend!!! and not just any sew - a - thon, but one that happens to fall on the Project Linus Make a Blanket Day (which is tomorrow)! Back in November, the MBIAJ Sewing and Quilting Dept had started a Project Linus Quilt geared toward the teenage boy population and planned to finish it up in time to mail out to Craftsy , who was asking for donations of hats a blankets to donate to Project Linus with a deadline of December 15th. Well, as usual, our quilt didn't get finished ..... it barely got started! But, Craftsy has decided to make this an ongoing project, so if you want to want to participate in "Make A Blanket Day" but can't find a Project Linus Chapter near you, you can always send it to Craftsy and they will send it on to Project Linus. (By the way, the blankets can also be knitted or crocheted. AND, Craftsy is collecting handmade hats also.)

So, this is where I planned to show you a picture of the blocks that are finished so far but for whatever reason, my computer will not cooperate .....(grumble grumble) ... and you're thinking "yea, sure " .... but REALLY, there are 10 finished blocks (with only about 50 more to go !)

OK .... .time to get going on our Dance - a - Sew - a - THON ! (thinking we'll do the Watusi in between block sewing so we get the full effect of THON AND work off a few thousand cookies) Look! Here's how it's done !

Be back soon !
Mary Anne (aka Mare)

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