Friday, March 7, 2008

Easter Bunny Pez !!!

Look what I FINALLY found !!!! I was looking for the appropriate PEZ to go in the Blog - A - VERSARY Give Away .... but I couldn't find one ...... until yesterday ..... I had to go to AC Moore to get stuff for yet another last minute school project for Kid #2, when ......(drum roll please......) THERE IT WAS !!!! bathed in a bright light and calling my name ..... a PINK EASTER BUNNY PEZ !!!! the last one ..... it was waiting just for me to buy it, take it home and add it to the Give Away loot !!! (We here at MBIAJ are tickled PINK to be able to continue our tradition of including PEZ in our Give Aways !!!) ...... so , don't forget to leave a comment on the "Come to my Party Blog - a - versary "post to enter the Give Away !

Mary Anne (aka Mare)


Lisa Boyer said...

Oooh oooh! I want him! He looks so smug in this little package--almost like he knows that hundreds of quilters are yearning to possess him! Doesn't he look like a cad? I just want to bend his little head back know, I can't complete that sentence. Everything I type sounds so pornographic! Hee Pez an aphrodesiac???

Unknown said...

Glad you found the perfect pez!! :) Happy blog-a-versary! :)