Saturday, March 16, 2013

World Wide Quilting Day !!!

C'mon gang !!!  Fire up those sewing machines because ...... is "World Wide  Quilting Day" !!!

...... and this is for all the significant others out there who can relate to this cartoon ...... (and for you quilters, here's a little tip :  if you scatter your stuff/stash in various locations throughout the house and in the trunk of your car, it doesn't look like you have as much as you really do  ......I've operated this way for YEARS !!!! ....... you're welcome ).

......... and, in honor of World Wide Quilting Day ,  I decided to blow off another Saturday afternoon chained to my work laptop and do some machine quilting and binding on this little doll quilt (a MUCH more enjoyable way to spend a Saturday afternoon I might add !!!)
Be back soon !!! (hopefully with a finished doll quilt to show )
Mary Anne (aka Mare)

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