Thursday, October 18, 2012

Machine Quilting ~ Walking Foot Style !!!!

GREAT news for people like me who are free motion quilting wanna bees (i.e. really wanna be good at free motion quilting, but just isn't happening at this point .... ).   Norma at Petit Design Co.  is in the middle of her "31 days of Walking Foot Quilting" project on her blog.  She has been showing some FABULOUS ideas for machine quilting with a walking foot !!! Now THAT I can do !!!!   These designs are so great that my free motion quilting foot is jealous !!!

.....and all of Norma's ideas couldn't have come at a better time since I've been stalling on quilting my son's overdue (wild) graduation quilt .......

....not to mention some of it's pals rolled up and waiting patiently in this basket for their turn to be quilted (before they disintegrate ! )
Anyhow, you should zip on over to Norma's blog to see all of her ideas for zig zags,  random lines,  cross hatches, and  different circles ..... YES even CIRCLES can be machine quilted with a walking foot !!!!!!! YIPEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!
Be back soon!
Mary Anne (aka Mare)

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