Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy National Quilting Day !!

Happy Saturday and Happy National Quilting Day Blogland Neighbor
hood! This was news to us ....not that it's Saturday....although sometimes what day of the week it is IS news to us because we sometimes lose track....but not this time .... today we're on top of the situation and KNOW that it's Saturday .... what we did not know (until we read that Busy Little Quilter Amanda's blog) is that today has been declared National Quilting Day ! Now , of course this does not mean that , like other holidays eg. Christmas and Easter, we only participate in that activity on that specific nope .... National Quilting Day is more like one of the many food holidays listed by American Food and Drink Days.....such as National Chocolate Brownie Day on Dec. 8th, and National Cupcake Day on Dec. 15th AND National Chocolate Covered Anything Day on Dec. 16th quilting, we indulge in these FABULOUS pastimes all year round .... it's just that now we have a specific day to recognize that fact !, to celebrate one of our favorite pastimes, we're gonna indulge in some chocolate (that's another pastime that ranks way up there in the "favorites" category) and then go on a little field trip to our local quilt shop and get us some fabric therapy !! What?...we don't need any more fabric ?(have you been talking to the Big Cheese Mr. Moonbeams? and whose side are you on anyway?!?!) ....ANYHOW we also don't need any more chocolate but that never stops us ! ....besides, Kitty has been hinting that she wants some fresh and pretty fabric for a new Easter dress and, the Sewing Dept has to go with her ....Right?

...HONK HONK HONK !!!! (Miss Impatient Kitty is out in the driveway laying on the horn).....gotta zoom!

Be back soon!
Mary Anne (aka Mare)


Dandelion Quilts said...

Hope you found the good stuff! Happy sewing, Mare.

Pat said...

Have Miss Kitty pick up some chocolate for me on the way back, okay?

Dawn said...

Yup. Chocolate and fabric. Truly the best therapy.