Sunday, January 20, 2008

Decsions, decisions.........

OK, for a change I'm finished my paperwork for the weekend ..... so..... that leaves me with actually having to make a decision on what to do for the rest of today. Now, if it were up to me, I'd spend the afternoon sewing while watching a good movie ..... BUT.... to really get any peace and quiet and uninterrupted sewing time around here, I pretty much have to wait until His Royal Majesty and the two Prince Charmings have gone to bed for the night. (oh, wait ... before I forget.... don't ya just love that little notepad with the Nuns on it trying to decide what to wear tomorrow? My niece Katie gave that to me --- what a crack up!! The artists is Leslie Murray.)

Anyhow, back to my big decisions for the rest of the day ..... let's see...... I could/should wash this mountain of dirty jeans, etc ...

....or..... I could/should clean off my sewing room cutting table (yep, that's my cutting table ..... if you look real carefully you'll see a little bit of my green cutting mat sticking out from under the clutter.....

.....or.....I could/definately should take down all the Christmas decorations and give the tree the heeve - ho out the door ......

......or ..... I could/should bundle up and brave the 18 degree temperatures today and start distributing flyers to some of the local businesses about Matt's senior class fundraiser to raise $ for their All Night Party (given and chaperoned by the parents.) The fundraiser is a Basket Auction on Feb 24th at the Jim Thorpe High School (just in case anybody local is reading this!!!! .... there... how's that for advertising ... I think my work is done ..... I should be exempt from having to actually work at the Basket Auction!! .... just kidding.) Anyhow, we're supposed to either contribute $ or a basket ... now, being the delusional overestimator that I am, I plan on making one or two baskets to donate to the auction AND bake something too !! My idea for baskets are 1) a sewing basket 2) a kid's craft basket and 3) an Italian dinner ingredients basket. (I'm open for ideas of what all to put in the baskets ..... feel free to comment and give me ideas .... PLEASE !!!!) Now, realistically, this will come down to the wire..... I'll be slapping 1 basket together the morning of the auction while whipping up a batch of Pillsbury Slice and Bake cookies.......

......well, let's see ...... since I have a major case of cabin fever, I think I'll bundle up and head out to distribute those flyers and then head to Joann's to look for a sewing basket to start to fill --- or maybe a picnic style basket if I can't find a sewing basket I like.

OK, while I do that, you can look at this ...... (I know , I know ..... excitement beyond your wildest dreams........) (how do you like my model? Evan refused to put on this outfit, so I had to resort to his understudy -- and I'm sure you're wondering what that bear in a bathing cap, Eagles jersey and Miss Guy's Flowers sash has to do with anything ...) Anyhow, Susan from Black Eyed Susan's Kitchen tagged me a couple of weeks ago to list 7 weird things about myself. I actually was tagged with this same tag quite awhile ago .... so being lazy and not being able to think of more weird things about myself (I'm sure my family could, though...) I decided to print a rerun ...... so here it is .... so I'm weird ........ oh, and wait, there's more ..... click here .

....OK .... I've now frittered away part of my Sunday afternoon.....if I don't get off this computer, NOW, and get bundled up and out the door, the whole day will be shot !!!(I swear I'm my own worst enemy!!!)

Mary Anne (aka Mare)


black eyed susans kitchen said...

Mary Anne, Are those baskets for people to bid on to raise money, or are they for the kids to win at their sleep over? Either way, I like movie baskets filled with dvd's and popcorn or other movie candy. Book and tea and a treat basket, anything handmade and holiday a valentine basket. Wine (add 2 vintage wine glasses) and cheese and crackers (not for the kids),I could go on and on, but I don't want to drive you crazy..oh, just one more...a happy birthday basket filled with candles, balloons, a banner and crown (maybe handmade?). Okay now I'm done. Have a great day. Susan

Busy Little Quilter said...

I love Black Eyed Susan's movie basket idea! That sounds great since we are having 10 degree weather. Now there's an idea: a hot chocolate basket filled with hot chocolate mixes, 2 matching cups, and marshmallows.

Your days sound like mine: there's always something I should be doing or somewhere I need to go.

Nan said...

I like your ideas for baskets - any kind of "theme" basket sells well, I have found! Love the ideas from Susan, too!
Love the bear - what a cutie! Thanks for giving me a laugh today!
The notepad is great, too.