YAY !!!! October is here !!! I think autumn is my favorite season . I just love the colors and the crisp cool weather. AND, as you can see, I love taking pictures of the colors and scenery.
Now, because I'm not easily distracted enough already, I recently acquired a fancy shmancy phone from my husband ( who didn't like it and let it sit on a shelf for the past year) ...... AND I figured out how to take pictures with this fancy phone and ( drum roll please) .... I figured out how to post them on facebook ALL BY MYSELF !!! My college boys didn't even have to help !!!!
So, anyway ..... as I said ..... I'm already easily distracted ...... and now, with this fancy phone , I must have stopped a zillion times yesterday and today during my work day ( making physical therapy home care visits) ..... and took pictures .....
lots of pictures of the GORGEOUS autumn scenery that I pass everyday making my rounds ........ and then I posted them on facebook ! ( and I'm sure my college boys are rolling their eyes and groaning ....... and thinking "enough already Mom!!!").
OK ..... so enough with the scenery pictures ( for now.....) . Instead, here's a picture of a yet to be finished table runner /wall hanging (not sure yet which category it falls into) that I started last year ...... and hope to finish this year......... :)
Well, I've piddled around enough today ...... got to get back to work!
Be back soon!
Mary Anne ( aka Mare)